Chronic pain is becoming an issue that is swiftly gaining national attention as more physicians are recognizing the disorder as a valid medical condition. Among the many national news sources that are covering the topic of chronic pain, the National Public Radio is one of them. NPR recently ran a radio interview covering an area within chronic pain that many patients grapple with: the fear of addiction to pain medication versus the discomfort of chronic pain. To read the NPR interview with Judy Foreman, author of "A Nation in Pain", or listen to the audio version, please click here.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving Blair and the seven surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain as the result of an injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
CARIE Works For The Rights Of The Elderly
Interested in advocating for the rights of the elderly? Are you or an elderly loved one currently undergoing some type of neglect or physical, financial, emotional, or sexual abuse? You might want to consider visiting the following website for valuable resources on educating and protecting yourself from elder abuse. The Center For Advocacy Of The Rights And Interests Of The Elderly, known as CARIE, has set up a detailed resource page for education on many forms of elder abuse. Please visit their website here for more valuable information.
Pennsylvania has also stepped up to protect its state's aging population. The state has set up a statewide elder abuse hotline, which can be accessed by calling this number: 1-800-490-8505. The hotline is open 24 hours a day and can be used a tipline to report activity related to abuse, neglect, exploitation, identity theft, or abandonment of an elderly PA resident. Pennsylvania also has local Area Agencies on Aging that can assist in these situations.
Pennsylvania has also stepped up to protect its state's aging population. The state has set up a statewide elder abuse hotline, which can be accessed by calling this number: 1-800-490-8505. The hotline is open 24 hours a day and can be used a tipline to report activity related to abuse, neglect, exploitation, identity theft, or abandonment of an elderly PA resident. Pennsylvania also has local Area Agencies on Aging that can assist in these situations.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving western and central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for older Pennsylvanians who have been abused or neglected. For more information on his Altoona, PA area practice, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at Attorney Stoehr takes cases in Blair and the seven surrounding counties.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving western and central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for older Pennsylvanians who have been abused or neglected. For more information on his Altoona, PA area practice, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at Attorney Stoehr takes cases in Blair and the seven surrounding counties.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Western PA Elderly Resources Website
As stated in earlier blog posts, Pennsylvania has a significant amount of legal claims related to elder abuse and neglect. This primarily a result of our state’s large aging population, which has one of the highest percentages of senior citizens in the country. Allegheny County's Department of Human Services has acknowledged this phenomenon and created a resource page to for seniors address some of these issues. This page can be accessed by clicking this link, which takes you to a variety of resources for seniors including nursing home alternatives, mental health resources, and caregiver support. It may be worthwhile to take a few minutes to browse this page and educate yourself on the options available to you and your aging loved ones in Western Pennsylvania.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer who takes nursing home abuse and neglect cases in the western and central Pennsylvania areas. He takes cases in Blair and the seven surrounding counties, and his practice is based in Altoona, PA. For more information on his firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
To access Pennsylvania’s resource page for elder abuse, please click this link.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Elder Justice Event in Johnstown
Today, there is an elder justice event taking place in Johnstown, PA. This event will host speakers from state and local justice agencies and is sponsored by the Cambria County Elder Abuse Task Force. For more information, please visit the Tribune-Democrat's article, located here.
Instances of elder abuse are not uncommon in Pennsylvania, which has a large aging population. The term "elder abuse" can be used for seniors who have suffered physical, financial, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. According to state data, the three most common types of abuse experienced by older Pennsylvanians are self neglect, caregiver neglect, and financial abuse.
To access Pennsylvania’s resource page for elder abuse, please click this link.
Instances of elder abuse are not uncommon in Pennsylvania, which has a large aging population. The term "elder abuse" can be used for seniors who have suffered physical, financial, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. According to state data, the three most common types of abuse experienced by older Pennsylvanians are self neglect, caregiver neglect, and financial abuse.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer who takes nursing home abuse and neglect cases in the western and central Pennsylvania areas. He takes cases in Blair and the seven surrounding counties, and his practice is based in Altoona, PA. For more information on his firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Potential Genetic Basis For Chronic Pain
Anecdotal information suggests that some members of the population are more sensitive to pain and more susceptible to chronic pain than others. Recently, scientific research suggests that there may a genetic factor that influences the perception and persistence of pain. To read more about this research, please visit the article here, as originally posted by Medical News Today. As stated in previous blog posts, the majority of chronic pain begins in the joints and muscles, but then can move into the central nervous system. There is also research that has shown that persistent pain can re-map brain pathways, making pain worsen over time. To manage this, it is best to consult with your physician as soon as you begin to feel chronic pain symptoms. Catching the problem early may make treatment easier, less time consuming, and more effective.
Attorney Doug Stoehr takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain due to an accident or injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area practice, please visit his website at or call his office at 814-946-4100.
Attorney Doug Stoehr takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain due to an accident or injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area practice, please visit his website at or call his office at 814-946-4100.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Neurostimulation For Chronic Pain
For people who suffer from chronic pain, they often have tried many different ways to control their symptoms using drugs, medication, and alternative therapies. Unfortunately, these are not always successful. For some chronic pain patients, there is the option of a neurostimulator. This stimulator is a small electronic device that is inserted on the patient's spinal cord and helps to regulate nerve impulses to the areas that are affected by the patient's pain symptoms. To read more about this method, please click on this link to an article by the Fort Wayne-area newspaper, The News-Sentinel.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving Blair and the seven surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain as the result of an injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving Blair and the seven surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain as the result of an injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
More Elder Abuse Incidents Reported By PA News
Elder abuse can come in many different forms, including financial, emotional, sexual, and physical. Recently, a Hanover Township woman has come under investigation for physical abuse and subsequent death of her 78-year-old aunt. According to reports, the woman under investigation threw porcelain figurines at her aunt's head and face, causing the elderly woman significant and fatal damage to her head. To read more about the report, please visit the original news source at The Times-Tribune here.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer
who takes nursing home abuse and neglect cases in the western and central
Pennsylvania areas. He takes cases in Blair and the seven surrounding
counties, and his practice is based in Altoona, PA. For more information
on his firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Elder Abuse Case in Eastern PA
Instances of elder abuse are not uncommon in Pennsylvania, which has a large aging population. Although most people think of physical violence when they hear the term "elder abuse", the term also actually encompasses financial, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. The Bucks County Courier Times recently covered an article highlighting a case of elder abuse in the county. According to the article, the reports of elder abuse in the area have tripled since 2000. The PA Secretary of Aging also reported that Pennsylvania seniors were scammed out of $2.5 million in the past year.
Also noted within the Courier Times article, " In 2011-12, Pennsylvania Area Agencies on Aging received 18,454 reports of abuse, up from 18,129 in 2010-11. A few years ago, in 2006-07, the state reported 11,962 cases of abuse. According to the most recent state data, the three most common types of abuse experienced by older Pennsylvanians are self neglect, 41.7 percent; caregiver neglect, 24.7 percent; and financial abuse, 16.2 percent."
To access Pennsylvania’s
resource page for elder abuse, please click
this link.
To read more from the original Bucks County Courier Times article, please click here.
Also noted within the Courier Times article, " In 2011-12, Pennsylvania Area Agencies on Aging received 18,454 reports of abuse, up from 18,129 in 2010-11. A few years ago, in 2006-07, the state reported 11,962 cases of abuse. According to the most recent state data, the three most common types of abuse experienced by older Pennsylvanians are self neglect, 41.7 percent; caregiver neglect, 24.7 percent; and financial abuse, 16.2 percent."
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer
who takes nursing home abuse and neglect cases in the western and central
Pennsylvania areas. He takes cases in Blair and the seven surrounding
counties, and his practice is based in Altoona, PA. For more information
on his firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
To read more from the original Bucks County Courier Times article, please click here.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Financial Elder Abuse Is Real!
It is one thing to hear about financial elder abuse stories, but it is
another to read about them hitting so close to home! Recently, a Doylestown, PA
area bank manager was accused of scamming over $350,000 from seniors who
frequented his bank over a course of ten years. When asked by a judge
what he had purchased with the money, the man denied buying anything large or
memorable. Want to know more? Find the original article here. There have also been several other cases in the Pennsylvania area with similar details and features. One lesson to learn from these stories is to keep a close eye on your finances to make sure all your balances add up no money is being incorrectly removed from your accounts.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer who takes claims for elderly clients who have been abused financially, physically, emotionally, or sexually. For more information on his Altoona, PA area practice, please visit his website at or call his firm at814-946-4100.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Sleep and Exercise Closely Linked for Chronic Pain Patients
The health benefits of exercise are numerous and well-documented. However, for those people who suffer from chronic pain, the act of exercising may be more limited and painful than the average person. Chronic pain sufferers also commonly experience issues relating to sleep quality and the amount of sleep they obtain.
The Huffington Post highlighted this problem in one of their recent articles. According to the news piece, a recent scientific journal article had results that suggest that "sleep is associated with physical activity for people with chronic pain, with sleep better predicting levels of next-day physical activity than pain intensity or mood in the morning". These results suggest that sleep and exercise are closely linked for chronic pain patients, and the value of sleep is important for the output and ability to exercise.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving Blair and the seven surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain as the result of an injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
For more on the original article from the Huffington Post, please click here.
The Huffington Post highlighted this problem in one of their recent articles. According to the news piece, a recent scientific journal article had results that suggest that "sleep is associated with physical activity for people with chronic pain, with sleep better predicting levels of next-day physical activity than pain intensity or mood in the morning". These results suggest that sleep and exercise are closely linked for chronic pain patients, and the value of sleep is important for the output and ability to exercise.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving Blair and the seven surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain as the result of an injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
For more on the original article from the Huffington Post, please click here.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Looking for Chronic Pain Resources?
Often, many people who receive a diagnosis of chronic pain are unsure of where to turn for help, information, and resources. As a result, many websites and support networks have been created to address these needs. One of the major ones in the United States is the American Chronic Pain Association. Their online website features resources relating to tracking your pain, managing your medication, and connecting with others to find support. To visit their website, please click here.
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving Blair and the seven surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain as the result of an injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving Blair and the seven surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania. He takes cases for clients who are experiencing chronic pain as the result of an injury due to the fault of another. For more information on his Altoona, PA area firm, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Car Crashes Are Second Leading Cause of TBI
Often when people hear about traumatic brain injuries, they tend to envision accidents related to sports. In reality, falls are the number one leading cause of traumatic brain injuries, followed closely by car crashes. This information, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control, is true across all age groups.
One news site ( highlighted the story of a young college student who was in a car accident and suffered significant injury to her head. Her traumatic brain injury was so severe that it was compared to the effects often seen in Shaken Baby Syndrome. To read more about this girl's story and to educate yourself on the lasting effects of a TBI injury, please click here.
If you have recently been in a car crash, it is important to closely monitor your body's response and recovery after the accident. If you suspect a TBI, immediately seek help from a qualified physician who can diagnose you and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. If your car accident was due to the fault of another, it may also be time to seek legal action. This is especially true if your injuries cause you to miss extended periods of work or not be able to continue your line of work at all. Other major expenses resulting from an accident may include medical bills. If you or a loved one has recently been in a car accident due to the fault of another, please contact Altoona, PA area personal injury attorney Doug Stoehr to set up an initial, free consultation. His law office can be reached by visiting his website at or calling his firm at 814-946-4100.
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