Wednesday, December 12, 2012

10 holiday warning signs to help elderly loved ones - | News from Gasparilla Island, Boca Grande - Gasparilla Gazette

10 holiday warning signs to help elderly loved ones - | News from Gasparilla Island, Boca Grande - Gasparilla Gazette

Please take a moment to read this article by the Gasparilla Gazette.  This helpful article gives 10 warning signs that elderly people in your family may need assistance where they are living or may be suffering from some type of elder abuse and neglect in their current living situation.  During the holidays, many families are seeing their elderly loved ones for the first time in months and may not have a clear idea of how their day-to-day lives are running.  During this time, it is important to ask questions from their elderly family member and/or other caregivers in order to get a better idea of the current living situation.  It is also important to look for the warning signs mentioned in the article above to see if your loved one needs assistance or a change of living placement.

Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving western and central Pennsylvania that takes claims for elderly people and their families.  These claims may include elder abuse, elder neglect, nursing home abuse or neglect, and hospital abuse or neglect.  If you suspect that any abuse or neglect has happened to an elderly friend or family member due to the fault of their caregiver, it might be time to seek legal counsel.  For more information on Attorney Stoehr's practice, please visit his website at or call his office at 814-946-4100.

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