Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Future of Nursing Home Studies

Over the summer, the Journal of American Medical Directors Association published an interesting and insightful article on the future of nursing home research and practice. Within this journal, many topics relevant to nursing home research and practices are discussed, as well as issued targeted directly at the elderly population.

According to the journal article, entitled "A Research Agenda For Nursing Homes", the authors state that "
In the past several decades, the fields of geriatrics and gerontology have focused on creating, organizing, and coordinating geriatrics facilities, and little attention has been given to research that would improve clinical practice…because most nursing home residents suffer from dementia, clinical research on dementia is needed to validate new approaches to deal with the most significant problems encountered by nursing homes that care for those with severe dementia, including aggressive behaviors, problematic vocalizations, emergency hospitalizations, the need for physical restraints, anorexia, and end-of-life issues." 

This move to more applied and forward-thinking research will be helpful in allowing nursing homes to realize how to care for and better serve their patients. With this in mind, nursing homes may be able to modify their practices and staffing procedures to decrease their incidents of negligence, abuse, and under/inefficient staffing.  Attorney Doug Stoehr is a central Pennsylvania lawyer specializing in nursing home abuse and negligence.  For more information on his practice, please visit our website.


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