Thursday, October 24, 2013


                If you are expecting to welcome trick or treaters onto your property this Halloween there are a couple things that you should be aware of.   First, if you are a homeowner, you have a responsibility to keep your property safe for anyone entering your property.  These people are owed a duty to be protected from certain dangerous conditions that you either caused or created, know about, or should have known about.  These types of cases are known as premises liability cases, or more commonly, “slip and fall” cases.  Second, you could be responsible for injuries if it happens on your property, and you breached the duty owed to the people entering your property.  At the law firm of Douglas V. Stoehr, we have experience in handling premises liability or “slip and fall” cases, but we would prefer that no one gets injured this Halloween.  We can provide a few tips for you to keep in mind while decorating, and getting ready to hand out candy:  
·         Make sure that your walkway, sidewalk and/or steps are well-lit and visible from the street to your front door.
·         Make sure that any dangerous conditions on walkways, sidewalks and steps are repaired or marked clearly to let people know of the dangerous conditions
·         Remove anything that may cause an individual to trip or fall while on your property, i.e., decorations and extension cords. 

If you or a family member is a victim of a premises liability or “slip and fall” case, please call either Attorney Doug Stoehr or Attorney Aaron Ling to discuss your potential claim.   As always, remember to have fun and be safe out there this Halloween.  

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