Monday, May 6, 2013

PA Elder Law Task Force

According to an article by the Pennsylvania Record, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has just created an Elder Law Task Force that will examine Pennsylvania's issues with guardianship, abuse/neglect, and access to justice for the state's elderly population. This special task force will be chaired by Justice Debra Todd.  The main aims of the task force will be suggesting amendments for court rules, as well as recommendations for education and best practices involving the care of senior citizens. The task force has been given one year to complete its work.

According to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts and the US Census Bureau, the over-65 population is now larger, both in size and percentage of the general population, than it has ever been in any previous census.  Pennsylvania ranks #4 in the percentage of elderly citizens.  This task force's work is especially relevant since it is being instated around the same time as the passage of Senate Bill 620, which made changes to the state's power of attorney laws for elderly people, to prevent the occurrence of elder abuse.

To read more, please view the original article here.

Attorney Doug Stoehr is a personal injury lawyer serving western and central Pennsylvania.  He takes cases for older Pennsylvanians who have been abused or neglected.  For more information on his Altoona, PA area practice, please call his office at 814-946-4100 or visit his website at  Attorney Stoehr takes cases in Blair and the seven surrounding counties.

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