Disabled people who suffer from severe spinal cord injuries that make them incapable of breathing on their own may see a big development in medical technology coming their way. Doctors at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital have successfully tested and implemented a new implant that will allow quadriplegic patients to breathe without the assistance of a ventilator. The doctors in charge of this new development liken the new implant to a pacemaker, which stimulates muscle activity in the diaphragm. This new device is also expected to reduce the risk of infection, such as ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), which was a significant problem with ventilators.
Researchers across the country are also developing treatments to rehabilitate paralyzed patients and, hopefully, help them walk again. The Wall Street Journal recently reported on collaborative research with universities and foundations across America that resulted in a paralyzed man regaining some movement and feeling in previously immobile parts of his body. By combining the use of electrical stimulation from an implant on his spinal cord and large amounts of physical therapy, the patient can now stand and move parts of his legs after only a few days of the treatment. This exciting new development will hopefully continue to aid in fully rehabilitating some forms of paralysis.
Unfortunately, significant brain and spinal cord injuries are not uncommon as a result of a motor vehicle accident, pedestrian accident, bicycle accident, or a slip-and-fall accident. Brain and spinal cord injuries are often complicated to treat and diagnose, and are unarguably frightening and difficult to deal with from the patient’s perspective. If the injury occurred due to the negligence of another, it is also difficult to find a lawyer with both knowledge and compassion about significant neurological injuries. Attorney Stoehr has experiencing handling cases involving these types of injuries and has received favorable outcomes. If you are looking for more information regarding a claim pertaining to spinal cord or brain injuries or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact our law office.
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