Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pottsville, PA To Consider Breed-Specific Dog Bans

In light of the many recent dog attacks that have occurred in Pottsville, PA, the city is considering changing their current animal laws to exclude certain breeds of dogs that are traditionally violent and aggressive.  Residents of Pottsville have reported three pit bull attacks within the past several weeks, two against children and one against an elderly man.  The issue is going to be discussed at an upcoming Town Hall meeting.

Dog bites can be both physically and psychologically damaging for the victim.  In addition to medical expenses, victims can suffer from anxiety and fear of other’s and their own household pets, and may have trouble enjoying formerly pleasant activities, such as taking a walk outside or visiting friends and neighbors due to fear of a future attack.  Attorney Doug Stoehr has litigated dog bite claims before with success for the victim.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation with Attorney Stoehr, please contact our law office to set up an appointment.

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